Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

拜拜 2009 ! 欢迎 2010 !

拜拜 2009 年!

在过去的 2009 年,会比2008 年较好。


1) 给卓瀚一个妹妹
2) 带卓瀚去香港迪斯尼乐园
3) 减肥计划


我希望 2010 年:-

1) 继续完成 2009 年还没完成的计划
2) 旧患从此消失
3) 口袋零用钱增加
4) 卓瀚健康成长,顺顺利利,一家大小平平安安
5) 世界和平
6) 开开心心,健健康康

加油加油 ! 可是汽车汽油千万别加喔 !






Nickelodeon 学校假期派对

Title : Nickelodeon - Meet Dora and Boots
Date : 18.12.2009 and 20.12.2009
Time : 10.30am - 2.00pm
Venue : Ground Floor, Highstreet (in front of Coach)

This was the first time I brought Jonas attended the school holiday function. Thanks Nickelodeon to distribute lot of freebies include T-shirt, Activities book, magazine and Air Pillow. The poster was given after u won their games.

Jonas feel exited when he saw his Lover - Dora came out from the stage. When turn to him to snap photo with Dora, he was busying to look at her, didn't face to the photograhper. Luckily the proffessional photograher help us. Finally we can get back the hard copy and of course it was free of charges.
Finished the game, we had our lunch with Vicky's family. After that changed venue to meet Penny. Nice to meet her. 

Nickelodeon 学校假期派对

主题:  Nickelodeon

日期 : 18.12.2009 和 20.12.2009
时间 : 10.30am - 2.00pm
地点 : Ground Floor, Highstreet (in front of Coach) 

 有点 kia su, 早上10.30就到那边排队 拿礼物 。 包括有T恤 , nickelodoen's 作业簿以及一本杂志 。海报是在游戏完成后才给的 。   还有还有, 空气枕头, 这是我星期日再去排队拿过的。

反而是维 奇来迟了 , 拿不到礼物 。 本想排队时, 给她叉位。怪她没运气吧!
卓瀚表现得好兴奋 , 当看到自己的偶像 - Dora 从台上出来 。 过后还可以和她一起拍照 。 当时的他只顾着看她 , 当photographer 没道 。 最值得的是拍完照 , 可以取回硬照 , 而且是免费的 。 还有一张是和妈咪合照 。

游戏和拍照完毕, 一起和维奇午餐。 之后就过去另外的购物广场约会佩妮。 很高兴和她谈天。

Vicky and Penny

Nicole & Daughters , Vicky & Daughter




2009年年头,因为经济不景气,很多公司都有裁员政策。我们公司也不例外。几个马来同胞都中招了。老板也照劳工部条规赔偿 1 个月。其实都是拿来讲的。趁机讲经济不好,公司没钱,可是自己本身一家大小一年去几次国外旅游。

现在年尾又请回他们。这也不算什么。别人看了会觉得老板真好,真有人情味。可是背后的所作所为,又有谁懂? 没良心的雇主,竟然把他之前赔他们的一个月裁员金当着回来之后的第一个月的薪水。总而言之第一个月是白做的。我‘呸’!同事和我讲之后,真的很看不过眼。



最近比较忙,比较忙,比较忙,忙到透不过气。在年尾,对于我现在的工作性质,应该比以前的工作比较休闲。因为现在我不用忙做数据报告,准备给Audit Department。很多同事包括我的上司也再Clear Leave。照理来说,工作也没那么忙,可是为什么正好相反的?

也就是因为他们Clear Leave,所以还要忙他们的工作。

如果忙自己的工作,心甘情愿,偶尔帮一帮同事也应该的 (因为我们的工作性质是一样)。可是现在要帮的是高高至上的大老板秘书,和楼下的接待员。好像是没关系,很离谱!

她们分别一年有14 - 21 天年假,还有一年14天的病假。我们6个普通秘书要轮流代替她们。我们也有年假和病假,可是我们彼此可以互相帮忙。不同的是我们的工作性质是一样,而且还在同一乘楼。她们俩实在楼下,如果我们要代替她们,就要一整天,可是我们自己本身也忙这自己得工作。尤其是几个同时没来,搞到我们会分身术,上上下下楼梯。差点要患上精神分裂。

Completion of 3 Years Old at Kinder Garden

Times was flied faster, Jonas was completed his 3 year old class from the kinder garden. It seems like happened yesterday. He cried in the 1st day kinder. Now as the kinder was his another home.
I was feel happy and proud he got the improvement after enrol him to the kinder.
1. Friends - From he hate the friend most become he likes the friends. So far I didn't head any friend he dislike now, but I knew he have a lot of best friends. He loves and scold his friends. He can be a leader to instruct his friends too like ask them to dance, sit down, sing and etc.
2. Confidence - He can be very stubborn. He will correct back the people if they make mistake. For example, he will ask people to follow him to read the word. He can instruct them to look at his mouth, and then he read the word. They must look at his mouth and follow him to read it. If not, he will repeat and repeat again like a teacher. He even will said you are wrong.
3. Motor Skills - He can colour well. He draws as he likes. His writing just started.
4. Learning - He was good in learning. He knows well phonics. He knows lot of words. He can read some simple words from the story book.
5.  Prizes or Award - He got the 2nd prize from the Sports Day. He also got the 'Excellent Performance' Prize from the concert.



我约了朋友下午两点见面,有重要的事情要谈。吃完午餐,带儿子回家。帮他洗好澡,收好衣服,给他午睡,准备要出门。她居然说她要跟女儿出去,我说我约了朋友两点。她说她要出。(其实也没什么重要的,帮我看一下也不能吗?) 当时卓瀚就快要睡了。我好生气,可是又不能发脾气。二话不说,叫儿子起来,带她一起出去。

这不至是一次了,好多次都是这样。她可以一天24小时帮忙她女儿照顾她的儿女。难道不能帮我吗? 我要做事情都艰难。更何况我有重要事情要做。我和老公说,他只是说你们俩又做什么? 我好失望哦!






读了J Sky 的部落格 - 尿布,让我想起了卓瀚。





















像昨天那样,出门前因为口干,喝一点白开水。回到公司,喝完 1 公升盐水。等了很久肚子没动静。没像昨天一直跑厕所。只是有两三次,一点点水水的便便随着尿尿。

我已经开始想食物了。拼命的喝柠檬枫糖浆。 到中午,我已经喝完 5 份的柠檬枫糖浆。


今天总共喝了8份的柠檬枫糖浆. 真奇怪,今天上厕所的次数比昨天少很多很多.

晚上我只喝1杯半的Bekunis茶,特地延迟到 10 点.

终于也过了第二天. 我有点想放弃了. 肚子还是有点饿, 头脑一直在想想美食.



刚好从度假回来,星期二刚好也是假期,原本要开始节食了,怎么知道老公要带我们吃这个吃那个。结果那天午餐吃了名茶楼的滑蛋河,炒面,炒饭,田鸡粥和炸鸡翼。下午茶吃了secret resipi 的芝士和巧克力蛋糕,还有Ice Cuppuchino。 宵夜吃广福炒和福建面。嘻嘻。。。丰富吧!

星期三上班正式开始节食。早上到下午,我只是喝一瓶从日本店买的疏果汁(50%蔬菜+50%水果) + 一粒苹果 + 一粒橙。因为馋嘴早上偷吃三块cream cracker疏打饼。晚餐也是喝了一碗药材汤+一点蔬菜。

星期四开始排毒了。按照计划,早上喝完了1 公升盐水,就开始跑厕所。幸好我等到会公司才喝,好过驾车半途找厕所。我也忘了上多少次,知道中午开始慢慢减少上厕所的次序。我只做了5份量,其实是不够的。中间我还是觉得有点肚子饿,还有头晕。也不知是什么原因,可能喝不够柠檬枫糖浆,或前天睡不好,又或者我的月经还没停(其实是不鼓励月经期进行排毒的)。不管怎么样,我还是度过了大半天时间。

晚上回家,我又喝多一份柠檬枫糖浆。今天总共喝了6份柠檬枫糖浆. 9pm 喝过了Bekunis茶,就跑去睡觉了。因为怕晚上肚子饿所以早点睡。

怎么知道竟然搅肚子,1 am 和 4 am 起来上厕所。真气死人!




轩: 不要吵!笨蛋!
瀚: 我不用笨蛋 ! (其实他要讲,我不是笨蛋!)

我讲喝nen nen FIRST!!!


如常8.30pm 在房里扭开米奇节目给小鬼看。通常这时候他会一边喝奶,一边看他的节目。因为昨晚7.30pm他吃了第二轮晚餐,我打算等我整理完我的信用卡文件才弄奶给他。怎么知道,他跑过来,跟我讲要喝奶。

瀚: 妈咪,我要 nen nen.
妈: 等下先, 你去看Mickey Mouse.
瀚: 我要 nen nen.
妈: 我讲等下先, 可以吗? I said 等下先.
瀚: I said nen nen FIRST !
妈: Wait !
瀚: I ~ said ~ nen~ nen ~ FIRST ! (一个字,一个字讲给我听)




我打算这礼拜天开始要节食,开始我的计划。可是我的月经到今天还没报道 (不要误会,不是怀孕)。

如果月经期,可以继续我的计划吗? 天啊!我还在1516 !


B等有机枫叶浓缩成的糖浆汁 (Maple Syrup) ~ 2汤匙 或 30ml (RM39.90)
有机鲜榨柠檬汁 (Lemon Juice) ~ 2汤匙 或 30ml (RM16.90)
有机番椒粉 (Cayenne Pepper) ~ 1/10汤匙 (RM15.90)
过滤的清水 (Filter / Mineral Water) ~ 300 ml

早上空腹喝2茶匙无碘海盐 (Celtic Seasalt @ RM9.90)+ 1 公升的过滤水。
晚上睡之前喝腹泻茶。 建议做十天, 1 天喝6 到10 份。


第2 天:只吃菜和水果;
第三天:只喝2 litre 鲜橙汁。

第1天:只喝2 litre 鲜橙汁;
第2 天:只喝汤;
第三天:只吃菜和水果。(肉, 咖啡 ,牛奶是不可以攝取 )









不知道要怎么形容? 我左边,从腰部到脚已经折磨了我有两年。

生了卓瀚,一年过后,我开始学回瑜珈。三个月过后,我左边脚开始酸疼。开始时以为扭到,也没什么理它。我有去看诊所,医生只是给我止痛药。吃了几个月觉得好像不对劲,酸疼越来越厉害。有时疼到不能忍。开始去看不同的医生,有些说是尿肮脏,有些说怕扭到。我要求医生写信给我去照X-ray. 报告出来一切正常,骨没移位。医生又给我止痛药和松劲丸。过后我又跑去医院找专科,他也说没事,给了我补痉的维他命。





最后我去了Kuchai Lama一间中西医的检查,他们是用美国科技的治疗。医生看来我的X-ray也怀疑我生骨刺,他是第二个说的。我只好半信半疑。他也说我腰骨移位,因为长期没有正确的动作。比如说,无论站坐或弯腰都要有正确地姿势。去了两次治疗,没疼了。可是过了几天,又疼。





我明白要戒口,可是有时真的好离谱。难道他们不担心卓瀚不够营养吗? 好多次和老公吵架都是为了这些芝麻禄痘的事情。







到底这样的情况要延续到多久?烟雾一年比一年严重。H1N1病毒也会不会是这样呢?真不敢想象病毒会蔓延到什么程度? 试想象每个人都躲在家里,街上冷清清,好像个死城。好恐怖!


Jonas have a habit since baby time. He likes to hold something on his hand. During nap time, feeding time, playing time....etc and wherever he go, his hand must have something. At first the pencil was his favorite, now is the real h/phone which was broken and now become his toy on hand. Before shower, he will put it somehwere. Sometime he will forgot. When he think about it, he started to find it. Sometime he can't remember where he put, he will keep asking us: where is h/phone? where is my h/phone? He find from the living to bedroom, find one by one. He cried if he could not find it. Until he get it, then he will cool down.

从小卓瀚有个很奇怪的习惯,他喜欢拿着铅笔在手里。不管做什么,去哪里,他得手总是离不开铅笔。自从他爸爸给了他一个手提电话,他就转移了目标,电话不离手。除了洗白白时候,怕它弄湿,只好各在一边。有时候他忘记了,我们也不提醒他。当他想起后,开始找。他翻找整间屋子,客厅,厨房,睡房,一间间找。他还会问: 电话?呢? 我的电话呢? 在哪里? 如果找不到,他就哭,我们只好帮他找。尤其是喝奶时候,没电话,不要喝,不要睡。真拿他没办法。


10-07-2009 是卓瀚的幼儿园运动会,我和老公请了半天假去为他打气。今年是他第一次参加运动会,我们好期待这一刻。




Experience to Cinema Again !!

Once again, Jonas went to the cinema. This is his 2nd time experience.

Yesterday morning after had the breakfast in the Ikano Power Centre, we let Jonas played in the kids zone outside the World of Cartoon outlet. It was cost RM 5 which unlimited time. I have some time to shop there while hubby accompany Jonas there.

2.30pm, we went to the Cathay Cinema to enjoy our movie - Transformer.
This time I didn't hold him to the cinema, I hold his hand slowly walked into the entrance. We can heard the loud speaker in the dark room. He was not scared at all, slowly walked into it and found the Alphabetic Numeric seated. After settle our seat, I took out his snack. He enjoyed his snack and the movie quietly.

In between enjoying the movie, I keep asking him whether want milk or not. He didn't want. I started worry he will make noise there but luckily he didn't. He was also enjoying it.
After half an hour, he fall asleep. Until 4.30pm he woke up and then continue his movie.

5.10pm the movie was finish.


找了很久, 终于在大众书局给我找到这一套启蒙经典。 本来只是想买三子经的CD, 刚好整套有30% 择扣,结果就把它买下来了 (也许这就是贪小便宜的师奶)。
CD里还有分CD 'A' 和 CD 'B'.
CD 'A' 有大人和小孩在念和唱,在弟子规里还有对话。
CD 'B' 主要是给父母听,里面是解释内容,让我们了解这是讲什么。


不知不觉卓瀚在幼儿园已经有大半年了. 虽然每个月的学费比其他的较昂贵, 可是看到他的进展, 也是值得的.

也不是没想过给他在普通以及月费交便宜的幼儿园. 之前有去看过几间, 不是环境差, 就是只收四岁或以上.

第一次当妈妈的我, 对孩子会比较严格. 我自己本身英文不是很好, 所以希望他能在一所英文幼儿园学习. 可是我又要它能注重其他两种语言, 不要全英. 问过身边人的意见, 他们对于这幼儿园评价都很好, 而且它门也收三岁小孩, 最终我还是报名了.

我相信还有很多很好的幼儿园. 每个父母都有不同的要求, 他们都知道什么是对自己的孩子最好的.


名牌鞋子对于一个小孩是不是一种奢侈品? 一个小孩有需要穿那么贵的鞋子吗?

当然如果它的质地好的话, 名牌鞋子也是一对好的鞋子. 毕竟好的鞋子在小孩的脚上扮演着很重要的角色.

不是说只要是名牌就是好的, 也有普通的好. 可是在鞋桂里有一两对名牌鞋也不是一种坏事.










昨晚我正在吃晚饭,不知道发生什么事情,卓瀚一直追着小姑的儿子(承轩)打.卓瀚一边哭,一边打,走开了,想一想,又在打.我快快拉开他, 捉进房教训.


妈: 为什么你打哥哥?
瀚: .........(正在哭, 低下头)
妈: 看着我,为什么你打哥哥?
瀚: 他玩, 他开门, 他, 他玩玩具.
妈:一起玩嘛! 要share share.为什么开门?
瀚: .........(正在哭)
妈: 看着我, 你有打哥哥吗?
瀚: 有.(一直低着头)
妈: i said look at me ! 还要打吗?
瀚: 要.
妈: 还要? 不可以打哥哥, 你知道吗? 你去stand.
瀚: 我不要stand. (正在哭)
瀚: 不要.(低下头)
妈: look at me !
瀚: (抬起头)
妈: 讲! 我不要打哥哥.
瀚:我不要打哥哥. (低下头)
瀚: ..........
妈: 讲什么? 我不?
瀚: 我不要打哥哥.

之后又跑出去找阿嬷. 阿嬷带他去骑脚车.我晒衣服,他开开心心骑脚车.
他骑着往我方向来, (妈咪, 不要生气啊!)
(哎哟, 气死我, 不知道好笑还是不好笑)
到了刷牙时间, 他要玩牙刷, 在拖时间. 我把他抢过来,赶紧把他洗刷, 捉进房间,怕他冷到.他又哭, 还打我.

妈: 你忘记了, 是吗?
妈: 还要打? 要stand吗?
瀚: 我不要stand. (正在哭)
妈: 还要打妈咪?
瀚: 我不要打妈咪.
妈: 讲I am sorry.
瀚: ...........(低下头)
妈: 你要stand?
瀚: 我不要stand.
妈: 讲!
瀚: I am sorry. (小小声,低下头)
妈: 抬起头讲! 我听不到!
瀚: I am sorry.
妈: 不要打妈咪, 不要打哥哥, 不可以打架, 要share share.
瀚: 呃!
妈: 讲!
瀚: 我不要打妈咪, 不要打哥哥.

妈咪hug hug!


多得毛地拍网友的诱惑, 终于忍不住开了部落格的户口。

之前已经沉迷在毛地拍, 生怕开了部落格,没时间专注工作,到时真的给老板顿冬菇。结果还是忍不住诱惑开了。


三子经, 弟子规, 唐诗

Finally find it out from Popular - Ikano yesterday.
These are the package for 三子经, 弟子规, 唐诗. Totally have 3 Packs CD ( 6 CDs) + 3 Packs VCD. It was only cost RM 98.00 - 30% = RM 68.60.
In the each CD package have CD 'A' and CD 'B'. CD 'A' is the reading (with + without) music. CD 'B' is explanation for the meaning.

Short Hair - My New Look

What's Your Name ?

Mommy : What is your name?
Jonas : My name is Jonas.
Mommy : My name is Jonas Cheah Zhuo Han.
Jonas : 不是。 My name is Jonas.
Mommy : 你叫什么名?
Jonas : My name is Jonas.
Mommy : 我叫谢卓瀚
Jonas : 不是. 我叫 Cheah Zhuo Han.
(Speechless !!!!!) Ki si Lang

Excuse Me

The word Excuse Me becomes his habit. We can almost heard it daily.
When he accidentally 'Ha Qiu', he will said : Excuse me
When he acciddentally cough, he will said : Excuse me
When he acciddentally 'Fang Pi', he will said : Oh, Fang Pi ! Excuse me. (looks shy)
When he was having the flu and 'Ha Qiu' non stop, he can non stop to sayExcuse me.
So funny to hear that he said the word Excuse me. He himself also feel funny because when he said the word, he will said with smile.

He loves Kindy

I am so happy that he loves to go to kindy. Every morning I send him to kindy. Normally the teacher on duty will pick the children up in the front gate. Jonas always exited to see them. He will jump and hug them after saw them.
During the bedtime, he will take out his kindy book from the bag. He reads and sings the songs for me. Sometimes he will be as the teacher ask me to follow his intruction. For example: 1) he will ask me: kan zhe wo (look at me), sing; 2) he will said 'bu shi' (is not) if I didn't follow his instruction to read the word or sing his song. After that correct me the word.
I am so happy to see he loves to.

Chicken Pox

Monday morning Jonas suddenly get fever. As normal we feed him the fever medicine. 
Tuesday morning after feeding the fever medicine, I saw a small bumps that look like pimples on his neck. I quickly showed to hubby and suspect was chicken pox but hubby said not. We just ignored it and went to work. After I went back home, Mom-in-Law told me the rashes from became 5 to 6 and he felt itchy. It was the chicken pox. It was small and look like insects blisters, we didn't bring him to see the paed. Just put him the calamine lotion. His fever was half recover.
Today morning, his rashes spreads to almost everywhere else on the body, including one dot on face and finger, few dots on heads and genitals. He feel itchy.
Wonder know how long is the chicken pox will be fully recover. I don't think he can attend his school outing next Tuesday. But I hope our genting trip can continue on.

Household Tips - Use of Salt

Although you may not realize it, simple table salt has a great number of uses other than simply seasoning your
food. The following list will give you sixty uses of salt, many of which you probably didn't realize :-

1. If you drop a whole egg on the floor, pour salt all over the egg, let it sit for awhile, then use dustpan, the egg will come right up, without all that mess.

2. Soak stained hankies in salt water before washing.
3. Sprinkle salt on your shelves to keep ants away.

4. Soak fish in salt water before descaling; the scales will come off easier.

5. Put a few grains of rice in your saltshaker for easier pouring.

6. Add salt to green salads to prevent wilting.

7. Test the freshness of eggs in a cup of
salt water; fresh eggs sink; bad ones float.

8. Add a little salt to your boiling water when cooking eggs; a cracked egg will stay in its shell this way.

9. A tiny pinch of salt with egg whites makes them beat up fluffier.

10. Soak wrinkled apples in a mildly salted water solution to perk
them up.

11. Rub salt on your pancake griddle and your flapjacks won't stick.

12. Soak toothbrushes in salt water before you first use them; they will last longer.

13. Use salt to clean your discolored coffee pot.

14. Mix salt with turpentine to whiten your bathtub and toilet bowl.

15. Soak your nuts in salt brine overnight and they will crack out of
their shells whole. Just tap the end of the shell with a hammer to
break it open easily.

16. Boil clothespins in salt water before using them and they will last longer.

17. Clean brass, copper and pewter with paste made of salt and
vinegar, thickened with flour.

18. Add a little salt to the water your cut flowers will stand in for a longer life.

19. Pour a mound of salt on an ink spot on your carpet; let the salt soak up the stain.

20. Clean your iron by rubbing some salt on the damp cloth on the
ironing surface.

21. Adding a little salt to the water when cooking foods in a double boiler will make the food cook faster.

22. Use a mixture of salt and lemon juice to clean piano keys.

23. To fill plaster holes in your walls, use equal parts of salt and
starch, with just enough water to make stiff putty.

24. Rinse a sore eye with a little salt water.

25. Mildly salted water makes an effective mouthwash. Use it hot for a sore throat gargle.

26. Dry salt sprinkled on your toothbrush makes a good tooth polisher.

27. Use salt for killing weeds in your lawn.

28. Eliminate excess suds with a sprinkle of salt.

29. A dash of alt in warm milk makes a more relaxing beverage.

30. Before using new glasses, soak them in warm salty water for

31. A dash of salt enhances the taste of tea.

32. Salt improves the taste of cooking apples.

33. Soak your clothesline in salt water to prevent your clothes from
freezing to the line; likewise, use salt in your final rinse to prevent the clothes from freezing.

34. Rub any wicker furniture you may have with salt water to prevent yellowing.

35. Freshen sponges by soaking them in salt water.

36. Add raw potatoes to stews and soups that are too salty.

37. Soak enamel pans in salt water overnight and boil salt water in
them next day to remove burned-on stains.

38. Clean your greens in salt water for easier removal of dirt.

39. Gelatin sets more quickly when a dash of salt is added.

40. Fruits put in mildly salted water after peeling will not discolor.

41. Fabric colors hold fast in salty water wash.

42. Milk stays fresh longer when a little salt is added.

43. Use equal parts of salt and soda for brushing your teeth.

44. Sprinkle salt in your oven before scrubbing clean.

45. Soaked discolored glass in a salt and vinegar solution to remove

46. Clean greasy pans with a paper towel and salt.

47. Salty water boils faster when cooking eggs.

48. Add a pinch of salt to whipping cream to make it whip more

49. Sprinkle salt in milk-scorched pans to remove odor.

50. A dash of salt improves the taste of coffee.

51. Boil mismatched hose in salty water and they will come out

52. Salt and soda will sweeten the odor of your refrigerator.

53. Cover wine-stained fabric with salt; rinse in cool water later.

54. Remove offensive odors from stove with salt and cinnamon.

55. A pinch of salt improves the flavor of cocoa.

56. To remove grease stains in clothing, mix one part salt to four
parts alcohol.

57. Salt and lemon juice removes mildew.

58. Sprinkle salt between sidewalk bricks where you don't want grass growing.

59. Polish your old kerosene lamp with salt for a brighter look.

60. Remove odors from sink, drainpipes with a strong, hot solution of salt water.

61. If a pie bubbles over in your oven, put a handful of salt on top of the spilled juice. The mess won't smell and will bake.

After Back from Long Break

Jonas ponteng on the first day to school because mommy careless. I though 2-2-09 is the replacement public holiday for the Federal Territory Day but who knows the kindy followed the Selangor's holiday, so suppose have school on that day. I only noticed until the auntie's call me in the early morning. At night, after the last milk at 9.30pm, arranged him to sleep. He refused to sleep, he accompanied us to Bai Tien Gong until 12.++ pm.
On the 2nd day, I though want to let Jonas ponteng again. He slept late the day before. Before the alarm clock ring, Jonas wake me up. He called me few time then I only answer him. He asked for nien nien. I was so tired but also have to wake up to make him milk. At the end prepare for him to school. At night, he still refuse to sleep early. Around 11pm only went to bed.
Today turn to me to wake him up. Mommy also start to work.

Standing to Potty Train

I was started potty train Jonas this week.
What I know that he pee by sitting on the potty. He is a boy and this is the wrong way he did. I tried to train him to pee by standing but he refuse.
How do I train him to stand when pee? Hubby always came back late from work. Who can show him the real sample?

Not Cry in Autie's Car

I was very happy because Jonas will told me back he will ride on autie's car to school. He did not cry in the car. This morning after I put him on the car, he said GoodBye to me and give me the kiss.
Today is the last day to school. After coming back 1 week from CNY, hopefully he will keep on do it.

Cried in Dream

These 2 days during the weekend, Jonas dream at night and his cried wake me up. On Saturday after I pat him, he fall asleep back. On Sunday it was no use when I pat him, he still cried and last for few minutes. After that he wake up and push me away. He went to hubby and hubby manages to pat back to sleep.
Sunday afternoon Jonas suddenly cried from his nap. I tried many way to comfort him but still not working. He wake up and push me away. Then he went down from bed and look for his daddy.
Is he angry with me? I take these 2 days off, keep sweet talk and explain to him that Aunty will fetch him to and back from. Is he scared? Is he angry with me because I dump him to stranger?

Today he cried in the Auntie's car too. He even ran away from the car but I push him to the car.

2nd Day to Kinder

Same like yesterday morning, we were waiting for aunty to fetch Jonas to kinder. I keep remind him aunty coming to fetch him to school and asked him don't cry. Yesterday he cried in the car on the way back.
7.45 am aunty came, I put him in but he cried and refuse let me go. He cried while hold me tight saying: I want mommy, I want mommy.......... Aunty told me yesterday after pick up him and fastens the seat belt, he started to cry asking for. Maybe he thought mommy coming to pick him up but never show up in the end.
I told Jonas to sit quietly and lie to him I’ll follow at the back. Then he settled down and fastens the seat belt. I straight away close the car door and walk away. Then I drove to school alone and wait outside the kinder.
After 10 minutes, Jonas arrived. The kinder’s helper bring him to classroom and he didn't cry at all. The helper told me Jonas like a boy helper in the kinder. He is principal's neighbor and works as part time while waiting for his exam result. These two days he accompanies Jonas and Jonas very close to him.
While I am talking with the kinder helper, suddenly Jonas walked out from the classroom. Oh gosh...........he saw me. I quickly ran away and hide myself. Jonas didn't chase up and I didn't heard he cry too. Then I quickly sneak out and left to work.
12.15pm, the aunty called me that Jonas was crying and he refused to ride on her car. Through the phone, I can listened Jonas crying badly. What am i have to do now? I am working here and I canno't fly back to see him.

Start to Kinder after recover back from Hospital

Jonas has nearly fully recovered and his appetite goes better and become more active, so I let him re-start the kinder.
Yesterday night, 9.30pm he had his last milk and I put him to bed. Around 10pm he falls asleep. Before that I keep telling him tomorrow morning aunty will come and fetch him to school.
This morning I woke up at 6.45am and made milk for Jonas. After that I though want to wake him up but saw him already move his body, so I called his name and he replied me. Then I asked him faster finished his milk so that he could get change while aunty is coming to fetch him to school. He understood and finished the milk very fast.
7.25am we were ready to go but I feel it’s too early to wait downstairs, so we just waited at home first. But Jonas starts to frustrated and asked me to wear his shoes wants to go 'gai gai'. I told him not 'gai gai' but will ride on aunty's car to school.
7.40am I put him in aunty's car then I drive alone to kinder.8.05am I saw Jonas went in the kinder safely, then I went it at the back. I had some talk with the principal and she said she will pass my note to Jonas's class teacher. After that I tried peeped Jonas from the window and saw him drinking his water. Then I left to work.
10.00am I called the principal again and asked how is Jonas doing. She told me he didn't cry at all and was eating the bread I brought him this morning.

Admitted to Hospital

Beginning of Year 2009 is Busy, Busy and Busy........
Busy preparing Jonas to kindy, busy to send Jonas to hospital. He was started to kindy first day, after that off till now. Don't you all misunderstanding, is not sick after to kindy.

Actually he was cough and flu before Christmas and fever last 2 weeks. The sick was up and down, we had consulted 2 different child specialist and normal clinic. 8/1/2009 at night , I feel his cough became more serious and his block nose make him hard to breath and have sound. We decided to send him to hospital. Paed did the lung X-ray for him and took the blood test.

Once again, Jonas cried pity ly. Few times nurse put the jab to take his blood unsuccessful, after that paed came to put the jab. He cried loudly.

I was accompany Jonas in hospital about 3.5 days. He was discharged on Sunday noon.