Title : Nickelodeon - Meet Dora and Boots
Date : 18.12.2009 and 20.12.2009
Time : 10.30am - 2.00pm
Venue : Ground Floor, Highstreet (in front of Coach)
This was the first time I brought Jonas attended the school holiday function. Thanks Nickelodeon to distribute lot of freebies include T-shirt, Activities book, magazine and Air Pillow. The poster was given after u won their games.
Jonas feel exited when he saw his Lover - Dora came out from the stage. When turn to him to snap photo with Dora, he was busying to look at her, didn't face to the photograhper. Luckily the proffessional photograher help us. Finally we can get back the hard copy and of course it was free of charges.
Finished the game, we had our lunch with Vicky's family. After that changed venue to meet Penny. Nice to meet her.
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