Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

First Day to Kin dy

7.30am wake up by mom, but I lazy to wake up because today still not feeling so well. After heard mommy said to 'Gai Gai' , then I only open my eyes. I drink the milk, mommy dressed up the uniform for me and telling me to send to kindy.

8.10am was arrived the kindy. Teacher Tessy arranged me in the 3 years old class. I was the first one came into the class. Teacher Tessy showed me some teaching material and on the computer fliptec for me. Mommy was accompany me beside.

8.30am my classmates one by one coming in. Totally were 3 students in the class. Suddenly I feel mommy not sitting beside me, I started scare and cried. After that mommy comes towards me and sorted me. I sit on my place again. After few times mommy walked away and I scared and then cried badly. Now I didn't want to sit on my place, I directly sit on mommy's legs and worry she will away again.

Today just the first day to kindy, so we will finished at 10.30 am, normally is finished at 12.00pm. Mommy put me in Aunty's Ong car without accompany by mommy. I didn't cry on the way to home.

Admitted To Hospital

Last whole week was my sick week.
I started headache on last Saturday, 30-11-2008. Jonas was fever also and my husband was outstation. Don't know why my headache cannot cure until Thursday. Maybe lack of sleep or my brain have problem. The headache really make me hard feeling until I feel dizzy and vomit.
I started to work on Thursday morning. My pain still not reduce. My colleague sent me to the nearer hospital after saw me so hard there. Doctor let me admitted for 1 day in the hospital. After checked up and did the CT scan. It was nothing wrong on my brain. Doctor said Migraine but nothing do for me.

Useful Tips

Ants Problem:
Keep the skin of cucumbers near the place or ant hole.
To get pure and clean ice:
Boil water first before freezing.
To make the mirror shine:
Clean with spirit
To remove chewing gum from clothes:
Keep the cloth in the freezer for an hour.
To whiten white clothes:
Soak white clothes in hot water with a slice of lemon for 10 minutes 10.
To give a shine to hair:
Add one teaspoon of vinegar to hair, then wash hair.
To get maximum juice out of lemons:
Soak lemons in hot water for one hour, and then juice them.
To avoid smell of cabbage while cooking:
Keep a piece of bread on the cabbage in the vessel while cooking.
To rid the smell of fish from your hands:
Wash your hands with a little apple vinegar.
To avoid tears while cutting onions:
Chew gum.
To boil potatoes quickly:
Skin one potato from one side only before boiling.
To boil eggs quickly:
Add salt to the water and boil.
To check freshness of fish:
Put it in a bowl of cold water. If the fish floats, it's fresh.
To check freshness of eggs:
Put the egg in water. If it becomes horizontal, it's fresh. If it becomes slanting, its 3-4 days old. If it becomes vertical, its 10 days old. If it floats, it's stale.
To remove ink from clothes:
Put toothpaste on the ink spots generously and let it dry completely, then wash.
To skin sweet potatoes quickly:
Soak in cold water immediately after boiling.
To get rid of mice or rats:
Sprinkle black pepper in places where you find mice or rats. They will run away.

Crispy Toaster Kaya Butter Bread from Old Town

We went to Old Town for tea time last 2 week. Mommy ordered the toaster kaya butter bread for me. She knew I like bread very much.
After the waiter sent us the meal, mommy gave me the bread. The bread was so warm and smell. After took over the bread from mommy and quickly took a bite on it.
Hmmmmm......yummy yummy. The bread really crispy.

Called Papa Automatically

'Papa' , 'Papa' , 'Papa'.
Yesterday evening, we are having dinner. Jonas was playing in the living room. Suddenly heard he called 'Papa' , 'Papa' , 'Papa'. We listened the key sound from the front door but though was neighbour back from work. But Jonas continued to call papa, so we went to the door. Ha-ha.......Daddy was back. Really was daddy came back.
This is the first time Jonas called Papa automatically.
We joke with hubby, he can go to buy lottery.


  前些天,帶兒子去逛書局,他吵嚷着要我買一個精緻、昂貴但不實用的鉛筆盒給他。最後我只買了一個麻雀雖小,五臟俱全的給他。他的嘴頓時呶了起來。接着,他看中一個設計小巧玲瓏,曲綫優美,尺面圖案喧賓奪主地蓋過刻度的精美塑膠尺,但我買給他的卻是一把木尺。他的嘴嘟得更有「克夫」( curve

  最令我痛心的是,今年暑假,你居然偷改入學收費通知,虛報學費……,沒想到你竟也運用這招,來對付生你、養你、愛你、疼你的父親母親,僅僅為了能出入卡拉 OK 及酒吧……。 
  原來,那隻蒼鷹,為了加速實現飛遍五大洲七大洋的偉大理想,練就了各種高超優雅的飛行本領,結果忘了學習覓食,只飛了 4 天就活活餓死了。那匹奔馬嫌第一位主人——磨坊老闆給的活多,就乞求上帝把牠換到農夫家;而後又嫌農夫餵的飼料少,又要求與其他馬對調,最後到了皮匠家——不必幹活,飼料又多,好不愜意。然而沒過多少天,它的皮就被皮匠剝下來做了皮革! 
  再富也要窮孩子 ,才能逼孩子學習獨立前行,學會感恩惜福。畢竟……孩子的後半生我們不一定能參與……。 
  我們一代是在貧困中長大,所以我們很努力,刻意地不想下一代再貧困,因此我們不想我們的下一代會捱丁點兒鹹苦,更不要說是讓孩子捱窮,可惜這種愛護絕不是好事。希望全港父母能借今次四川地震上百萬人的苦難,好好地讓孩子上一課。孩子,是不可以長期在溫室長大的。餓其體膚,匱乏其心,才可以成就一個人,一個好人。對孩子作出太多金錢投資,可能就是另種「 Accumulator 」。

著名電影導演 育有三名9至14歲子女
這帶起我們夫婦間一件往事,十多年前,我大仔一歲多,我們住淺水灣,三房二廳,一間是書房,另一間是孩子的臥室,這臥室沒有獨立洗手間,但就在旁邊,一次我太太看 這情,忽然幽幽的說,孩子真 慘,沒有自己的洗手間,我聽後不知怎的流出眼淚,又不敢讓她知道自己有所感觸,因為我小時候跟母親姊姊睡在一張上下架 ,一個單位住了數十人,但好端端的沒有悲傷的比較,太太不說不知自己多慘,然後讀書、拍電影,日子好過一點,直到今天,也練就了不怕環境艱辛,因為現在每天都是感恩的日子。 
我曾害怕大仔比較物質化,因為他開始扮靚,會挑一些潮流的服飾,但某次在澳門,我們五人擠在一間房間,大仔希望加一張 ,他致電服務處,問加一張要多少錢,對方說要五百元,他輕輕的說﹕「唔使。」靜悄悄放下電話,裝作沒事,我們追問他才說太貴了,於是我把幾張几椅併成一張小讓弟弟睡,然後我們四人擠在一張大。我們付不起嘛?非也,我 只想孩子們擠一擠,讓他們有一點我們付不起的感慨,他的一些同學住在大屋,他回來描述其豪華之處,我自己眼神露出羨慕之情,說他們是有錢人,我常跟他們說別人賺錢真有方法,於是幾個人就羨慕一番,若然我們有如此大的地方,我們如何如何利用。大家互相鼓勵,努力工作改善環境。 
女兒不喜買新衣服,禁止她母親花費,難得我太太也是可以非常草根,前幾天我們到小店買了魚蛋、雞蛋仔,環保翅(即假翅)回家後,一家人圍 圓桌吃個飽,我太太就說我們很幸福。 
富足會習慣,富足慣了也就缺了富足之感,我最佩服的富人是蓋茨及畢菲特,他們把錢財全捐出,但最厲害是老畢把餘下的錢成立慈善基金,讓子女經營,從慈善基金的營運中賺取生活費。中國人企業也很封建,一定要 50 %的控股權,一定要經營人有血緣關係,富不過三代,朝代總也不能傳承,但我有些人品好、衣食足的有錢子弟朋友,看他們活在沒有目標的日子,有一位曾對我說「阿庭,起身冇 事做,好鬼慘 呀」,所以怎樣富也要讓孩子窮。

My New Look



Yesterday was the first time Jonas asked for milk. Actually I don't know whether he was asked for milk or water. Early morning, he rolled and rolled on the bed, seems not sleep well. He waked up and went down from the bed, picked up his bottle on the side table himself. He drank it directly. I asked him whether he wants neng neng or water. He didn't said, he just know to drink the cold water only. So I just let him finished the 8oz water. After that he slept back.

Today about 6.30am, he did the samething like yesterday, cannot sleep. He also didn't told me what he wanted after I asked. I bring him to the kitchen, confirm again what he want. I
showed the formula to him, told him I want to put the formula into bottle. Then he said 'put'. After finished his 5oz milk, then sleep back.

Jonas, Jonas, Why don't you direct tell mommy you want neng neng? Let me ‘teka’ only.

Alphabet and Numeric

Just want to share with yours that I am so happy.

I am sure that the technique to show the flash card and always read and sing for the new born baby is useful.

Jonas was know to read and understand all of the 26 Alphabets and Numeric.He can pick up the small alphabet and read for me. When asked him to count the numeric, so funny he will said the next number after I told him. For example, I said 1, he continue said 2.............

Yesterday night Jonas slept lately because playing the spin alphabet which was present by my mom. It had 3 function which have alphabet, animal name and animal sound. He was adjusted the function himself and followed the instruction after spin. When come to the animal name and animal sound, the way he learn to read the name and sound, so funny.

Plastic bottle !!!

Did you ever drink from a plastic bottle and see a triangle symbol on the bottom with a number inside?
Do you know what the number stands for ??
Did you guess that it's just for recycling ?  
Then you are WRONG!!!!!
1.   Polyethylene terephalate (PET)   -  Normally "Mineral water bottle" widely using this.
                                                      -  Temparature can last up to 70 centigrade, cannot longer use…..      -  In 2003, Italy researched & discovered that after using about 9 months later, will release (DEHP) which May cause level of cancer.  -   When higher (DEHP) in male body, it will reduce the spermatozoon & damage spermatozoon.
2.   *** High Density polyethylene (HDPE)      - "Milk bottle", Thick Plastic bag – Temparature can last up to 120 centrigrade. ** is a stabel material.
3.       Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) or Plasticised polyvinyl chloride (PPVC)
                                                - Normally PVC pipe, rain coat, Plastic cup, others.
4.   Low density polyethylene (LDPE)   -Normally Thin Plastic bag    - Temparature can last up to 80 centrigade.
5.   *** Polypropylene (PP)               -  Norrmally Micro Wave container , Water bottle. – Temparature can last up to 90 centrigade.
6.   Polystyrene (PS) or Expandable polystyrene (EPS)       -Type of light plastic material -PolyfoamTemparature can last up to 90 centigrade
7.   (PC) is widely use material or (Other) material including nylon and acrylic, other unknown materials.
-     is a common water bottle material, normally free gift of water bottle from company.
-     Will release (bisphenol A). Stop by Japan.  -  Temparature can last up to 135 centrigrade.
What you aren't told is that many of the plastics used are toxic and the chemicals used to create a plastic can leach out of the plastic and into the " food / drink ".
Besides No. 1,  should reject to use No. :  3, 6, and 7.     The WORST ONES are No. : 3, 6, and 7.
Check out this chart that breaks down the plastic, its uses and chemical makeup
Reusing plastic bottles by refilling them is NOT a good idea. WATCH THE VIDEO:
Microwaving plastic containers affects the chemical make up of the plastic, allowing the chemical substances to destabilize and leach out more quickly into the food you are reheating. You can check out this article that ran in the Wall Street Journal:
Lists the information as: overblown with a grain of TRUTH
READ the FULL 3 pages of the article!
Try to avoid re-using plastic bottles.
take care..........of your self/family

Geographic Tounge

What is Geographic Tounge?

The affected tounge develops patches which change from day to day. It's look like maps.
Jonas gets strange spots on his tounge. They appear one at a time last week, smaller than a pea. They actually look like a small dot of missing tissue. The tissue around the area is white.

Yesterday bring Jonas for the Boolster inject for 1 1/2 years old, I have asked the pediatrician and he said that its nothing and I should just ignore it. He told me that I can found the detail from the internet.

As per the comment from net, the patch of missing skin will gets bigger and bigger. Some of the children accured its since six months old untill two years old. Is this normal? Do I need to treat the ped?

Walk like / \ the front feets facing inner 八字脚

Last saturday consulted by Children Specialist, Hospital Sentosa because Jonas walked like / \ the front feets facing inner 八字脚. Paed said its will be normal when he grow old.
The other thing, Paed said that Jonas was underweight. He advise us to feed milk more  than solid. He given him asid folic to take daily.He teach us to mix the formula which for 0-12 months with his current formula (Peadiasure complete) because the formula which for above 1 year was heaty. If take more then will make him heaty until hard to poo.

Walk 8 (Bat Jek Keok)

I am going to bring Jonas to Hospital Sentosa tomorrow. He is walking in the wrong way. His tapak kaki shows 8 when he was walking. As my mom said that everything kids will like this when they are learning to walk. But I think better consult from the specialist. If want to do treatment, better do it from the young time.
Is it every kids will walk like Jonas when they were learning to walk?

Biten by Jonas

Yesterday night after Jonas poo, as normal I bring him to bathroom to wash his bottom part. He doesn't want to get out from the bathroom, so I ignore him and direct hold his out from there. He cried loudly then suddenly bite my hand. So crazy him, I scolded him and push him away. He faced down his face on the bed, scared to see me. If he move up his face to see me, I scolded him again. He cried and face down again on the bed. It seems he knew he was wrong. After cool down, I hold him on my body and show the place which he biten. I advised him. He wanted to touch my hurt, then I show the feeling pain on my face. He cried again.
Forget to take the photo.

Jealousy Boy

Can know 18 months old Jonas is a jealousy boy. He is not allow people to hug and hold other children.
For example, when I hold my SIL's son, he will scold and push him go and come towards me, ask me to hold him. After that SIL's son goes to my MIL side, Jonas will go back to MIL also.
I don't know whether is he jealous on SIL's son or he doesn't like we hold other kids.


Jonas was coughing for few weeks. We have sent him to western clinic and chinese clinic. my mum also bought Yu Yan Sang ' 3 bao' about RM 160++. Whatever we tried also no use.
Daytime he didn't cough but when comes to 4am or 5am, the weather becomes cold, he start to cough and this interrupt his sleeping.
MIL said he is cold cough and she wants to try to boil the soup with lamb + hong zhou + tong shem.

Throw Tantrum

One week never have good night sleep. Tired and frustrated to Jonas to thrown tantrum. The way he throw tantrum is cry with shouting and screaming and beat himself. Don't know since when he start to be like that.
If we go to advise and talk with him, some more he cry more loudly, he beat his head himself and rubbing his legs. Sometimes he cry until vomit.
He request us to bring him out but he don't want to go back home. He also don't want to go back into the car. If we didn't fulfill his need, he will start to throw tantrum. After we bring him out, he will smile at you and play Miao.....jia with you. So fast he changed his emotional.
Maybe MIL will fulfill what his need when crying. This is become his habit that he knows somebody will fulfill him if he crying.

Favorite Bolster

Jonas likes to hold his favorite bolster but I don't want him to get use only holding it.
So I bought him some soft toys like Barney, Pooh. I also redeemed the Owl soft pillow from Mead Jonhson. Last week I started to hide his favorite bolster. Now he chooses to hold the Barney out of all the soft toys.
I know he is still thinking for his favorite bolster but from out of no choice, he will hold his Barney as his favorite.

Beat himself

Jonas has a bad habit. He likes to beat his head or himself when he is angry. He will not beat other people.
We beat him when he is naughty. Then he will beat himself and shout to show his angriness. Sometimes we just play and slowly pat his head. But never know this will make him angry and beat himself hardly.
It's so sad to see him beat himself butI don't know how to stop him for this habit.


Recommended by Vicky, I bough Jonas a Dora DVD which have about 30 episode in 1 from night market last Sunday. It was cost RM25.
At home, I on the DVD and watch with Jonas and SILs 2 kids together. For the first and second episode, Jonas will sit there quietly and watch it. When comes to the 3rd episode, he start to feel boring. Hehe... I also feel boring.
Jonas prefer Barney and High-5, maybe those are more on dancing and singing.

Brushing Teeth Time

Enjoyed to see Jonas brushing his teeth. He was not brush in correct steps but was playing  with it. He was not allow people to hold his hand to brush for him.

Learning to talk

This morning, as usual, I changed my clothes in the room to get ready going to work. 

Suddenly Jonas asked me: What are you doing (in mandarin) ? Even though his pronousation was not correct but I was so happy and surprised that he can pronouns more than 1 word. Before that, he was only pronouns 1 word like bird, dog, want (mandarin) etc..., sometimes can said Hokkien.

Galactis +

Yesterday, 23-03-08 we went to PWTC for Smart Kids Fair. We went to the Mederis counter, found that there have Neurogain product. I walked into it, thinking want to understand more about the Neurogain because Jonas is having it. At the same time, the person recommended me "Galactis+' for my little son, Jonas.

Galactis + is specially formulated just like in the human milk and in line with international recommendations for infant feeding. It is recommended to babies who are no longer breast-fed and available n liquid form with the following benefits : 1. Boost Immune System; 2. Improve problem solving abilities; 3. Reduction in allergies; 4. Help digestion.
I feel sorry to Jonas because i didn't breast-feed after born him. Maybe because of it, now he is growing slowly. He is skinny. Hopefully Galactis + can help him to gain his weight faster.

Save your Water Bill

I found that there was a screw on the top of the ball. You can adjust the water level in the tank as you like.